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Sixteen Tough Patients (Online)
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Product Details
For Dentists, Dental Anesthesiologists, Dental Hygienists, & Dental Assistants.
An In-Depth Look at 16 Tough Patients to prepare for and to deliver sedation to
The course will discuss the anesthetic implications of managing Sixteen of the Toughest Patients one can see in the office. You will learn why a proper medical history is important, the implications of the patient's physiology to the anesthesia plan of treatment, and proper patient selection for your anesthesia practice.
Sixteen Tough Patients are:
Severe Obesity
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Numerous Allergies
Geriatric Patient
Pediatric Patient
Drug/Alcohol Abuser
Cardiac Patient
Renal Disease Patient
Patient on Chronic Steroids
3 CEUs
Refund Policy: All sales are final.
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Sixteen Tough Patients (Online)
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